OpenAI CEO Sam Altman speaks to members of the media during the Introduction of the integration of the Microsoft Bing search engine and Edge browser with OpenAI on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023, in Redmond. Microsoft is fusing ChatGPT-like technology into its search engine Bing, transforming an internet service that now trails far behind Google into a new way of communicating with artificial intelligence. (AP Photo/Stephen Brashear)

AI产业近来因ChatGPT的出现爆炸性发展,引发人们对AI可能取代人类部分工作的忧虑。被誉为「ChatGPT之父」的开发者阿特曼(Sam Altman)26日证实,ChatGPT确实可能「大规模冲击」现有职业,而其中「一种工作」更可能在短期内被ChatGPT取代。

综合外媒报导,阿特曼过去一直对人类有哪些工作可能被ChatGPT取代持模棱两可的态度,不过他26日接受Podcast主持人傅利曼(Lex Friedman)专访时,首次承认短期内会立刻因ChatGPT产生「巨大影响」的工作类型是「客户服务」类别的工作。



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